Friday, October 1, 2010

when life hands you lemons

Bought the new jimmy eat world, pretty durn good. I have over 40 GB used on my i-pod and not a GOD DAMN THING TO LISTEN TOO!!! I love Fridays, but I fucking hate Mondays. Every Friday means Monday is that much closer... Fuck me.

We cannot learn fear of God and the basic principles of godliness, unless we are pierced by the sword of the Spirit and destroyed. It is as if God were saying that to rank among his sons our ordinary natures must be wiped out.
-- Calvin, John


really not sure what gets into people. do i want to die? no, not at all. am i scared of death? sure, at times. why not believe in god? why not live in middle earth? i like the story a lot more, and it seems quiet realistic in comparison.

1 comment:

  1. you weren't lying! you did blog again! woo hoo!

    i know what gets into people though, they're delusional. they think things like the "sword of the spirit" exist literally and/or metaphorically and don't realize how absurd it sounds.

    When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion - Robert Pirsig
