Monday, March 15, 2010

sleepy sunday back to work

bought a fridge, microwave, and a classy ryans steakhouse dinner. looking forward to another kick ass week at work! retard moment of last week, the master of all special people left a note that said ( Temple driver wood not take reterns.) this was not a typo, this was pen and motha fucking paper. I don't hate my job, I hate the ignorant fucking co-workers that are kind enough to show up daily. fuck talking about work, i'll be doing it all week. to be real honest with you, i'm not sure if there was a point in this blog tonight. i've been jamming the new gorillaz and alpha rev albums. my wifes alarm just went off time to go for now.

1 comment:

  1. "my wifes alarm just went off time to go for now." i love how time to go means time to get doughnuts to surprise my wife when she wakes up because i'm the best husband ever.

    oh and josh wants a copy of the gorillaz cd, can you do that this week?

    LOVE YOU!!
